internet management & safety solution
Get control of your Internet at Home (or in your business)
...$495 GST incl.*
The Internet is terrific, a wonderful part of today's world. How do we encourage an open yet mature approach to its use without being "Big Brother"? The same question applies in our homes and our workplaces. It can be tough to balance, especially with youth in your household or distractions for your employees.
So, is your family or business using the Internet safely & responsibly? What if you could...
review all websites visited by all devices (PCs, laptops, Macs, iPods, iPads, iPhones, Androids, Xbox, PS3 or anything similar)
block certain websites or only allow approved ones
set restrictions so you can shut off Internet at times you think are appropriate (separately per person)
see bandwidth used and/or set quotas per person
All managed from a simple web page via any browser including smartphone ones. Even if you are technologically averse, you'll be able to understand this setup!
The solution includes a high performance ADSL modem, separate powerful Wireless router with 4 Ethernet ports, & all rule setup so that it works to your design.
Install can be done daytime or evenings.
*$495 includes hardware and all setup, and is GST inclusive.Contact me now